So I have been teaching this english class. And have been get calls out he yin and yang to teach more. The thing is they are all fucking crazy because of how shady chinese business' are!
I mentioned before how the standard going rate is 150 yuan per hour. But all these schools offer this but then they dont pay you for class breaks so for every hour there is a 10 minute break which they dont pay you for and for a 2 hour session they say there is a 20 minute break 10 per hour which is reall only a ten minute break at the halfway point you dont even really have eventhough its meant for students and teachers have to use that time to prepare anyways. its a SCAM! I rejected these offers time and time againb ecause of pay the distance away and the general bullshit i sensed. They would never accept no and would re-phrase the same offer in many ways. Chinamen will tell you anything you want to hear to close a deal.
Anyways I have been teaching a class that offered me 100 yuan per hour but it was so close to my apartment i took it because it was easy and close. The group of people were all around 25-30 years old and smart and had all studies english since they were 13. The problem being they had chinese english teachers and understood grammer and vocab but had incredibly bad pronunciation and conversation skills. This was an easy thing for me because i can talk a lot and have after being born in boston college in savannah and living in california I prety much have the same accent as people on baywatch ( except for words like button and mountain where yyou cans till hear the quincy ).
Anyways I got this job through an agency that told me the pay was 120 but they would pay me 100 yuan per hour which sucked but then explained all this other things of how this place had 20 schools in beijing and the agency did all the placement for them. Anyways it seemed like a bad deal but i did it because again it was the first time i had ever done this and it was so close and at a super convenient time 7-9pm mon wed fri which would leave me open for other jobs I thought i would try it out.
Anyways the school was supposed to offer me a contract which they never did. On top of all this although it is easy this school provides a room and bodies they never provided me or the students with books and have no learning materials handouts or anything. I have to find stuff on theinternet and print it all out myself. Its a pain but really not that big a deal. Then right away they appoached me about the agency and told me they didn't know this agency and didn't want me to work through them. I sensed this was bullshhit because one of the agency people who took me to the school teaches there on saturday. They suggested that I call the agency and tell them i quit the job and wouldn't be teaching there anymore. I said this other teacher would know and that i had made a agreement and wouldn't lie.
Now its pay time they were supposed to have my money and they didn't. They also told me that they pay the agency 150 an hour which i get 100. I now realize the agency lied and told me they were getting 20 off the top now i realize they are getting 50 i am fucking bullshit. The school told me they wanted to hire me directly because it wasn't fair for me to lose money to the agency that all the students liked me and yada yada yada. I told them i am powerless in this situation and that i have no real power an no one in this situation has any legally binding contract. So I told them this whole deal was shady and i told them at the end of the class cycle ( last night ) they could either get the agency off my back and deal with me alone or i was going to work someplace else that way. They insisted this was something i needed to handle myself and they dont work with the agency. I told them I know they did have a relationship because of the other teacher and to handle it or I will just go to another school for 150. They begged me not to leave and told me i was the best teacher they had ... and by best they meant the only blonde and american teacher and because of this i had the largest class and more people wanted to join it.
So then I arrive last night curious to see they solution. Firstly again they had no money for me as was promised i was told it takes time... which makes no sense because i work under the table for CASH. And they also told me they had solved the problem and want me to stay. They fired the other teacher and have severed all relationships witht he agency and want me to stay. Then in their chinglish they were like "ok you stay now?". I said I was uncomfortable with this and did not want to be the cause of problems for other people. They assured me they other persons contract was over and there were other problems than me. I said if they were going to give me the whole 150 per hour i would stay. they then said they could not do 150 but could do 120. i said no way they paid the agency and told me they would work for me directly for the same. They told me i was getting 100 before and they could give me more 120. I said no. 150 or nothing. they then tried to play me and say why am i only about money and why quit because such a small amoutn "ok you stay 120!" I said no you said 150 last week i want 150 and I want it in writing. That why am i such a greedy person what about the students? I told them if its such a small amount of money why don't they just give it to me. I/ said that is the standard rate and we both knew it. They then asked if i would continue to teach until they found someone else. I told them i would for the 150 i was promised the week before. They then asked AGAIN if i would do it for 120. I said no I can get 150 at another school knowing htey would never find another teacher. Chinese always look for temporary wuick fixes then never deliver promises and then just try and make tiny concessions to keep everyon involved from quitting. They then asked me what i am going to do for money and that I should teach there until I found another job. I told them I am already working at another school and the other school gives me 150 and provides me with lesson plans and teaching materials and is run by westerners. They said what about your students what are you going to tell them you cant tell them you are leaving over money.... we hit a culteral road block here. I told them this is the schools problem and the school has responisbilites to teacher and the students and they needed to deal with it themsleves . THEY FREAKED OUT. ( they didn't know i heard from the students that the students paid for a 6 month course with me which the school neglected to tell me ) They told me i need to tell the class that i have to leave the country and to suggest them to switch to one of the other classes at the school. I told them i know nothing about the other programs at the school and I haven't even been paid and I am not doing this unless i get my money. In the end I agreed to stay until friday to see if they come up with they money and see if they want to pay me the 150 per hour.
Its funny they think i am stupid. What was really going on they thought they were paying the agency 150 and if they eliminated the agency they could save money and get me to work for them for less. I didn't bail on the agency even though they leid to me. The school then told me about the 150 and more bad things to turn me against the agency. Which it did. I also know they leid to me about them ending their relationship with the other teacher and the agency... and i am sure the school was going to tell the agency they also fired me. So the agency and they school both turned on each other.... and me.
They then thought they could offer me 150 to get me on their side only at the last minute retract the offer and try and TALK me into 120.
I dont understand WHY? they have a full class booked for 6 months and were already paying 150 per hour for a teacher anyways. They just got greedy. I guess its cultural differences because chinese teachers usually fall for the peer pressure as do kids right out of college.
But I have had real jobs for real companies and am not putting up with bullshit. I will probably not get any of the money owed to me but if i am being ripped off no matter how little or much i am just going to walk away now because I know the loss will just get greater. The thing is I wont work for them no matter what now. even if they offer me 250 per hour because i know I cannot trust them.
So here i am with roughly $83 left in the bank and now it looks like I am out 3600 yuan ($500 ) for this gig. My apartment is paid up until july and i really do have naother gig at another school but was looking forward to that money so it looks like I am living on dumplings until something else happens.